Tuesday, November 24, 2009


State Dinner Tuesday with the Obamas II

This was a plate (mid bites) prepared by White House Chef Sam Kass for the governor's formal dinner in February 2009.  The presidential seal is on the dessert chocolate and notice not a smudge - each one is checked for perfection.  This was Mrs. Obama's first formal dinner at the White House and she chose the Wilson China.
Watch C-SPAN for coverage that is uninterrupted and filled with salient tips from experts on everything from military protocol to the floral arrangements.  A State Occasion, let a lone a dinner, is lavish and meant to welcome a head of state with the finest of American hospitality at America's most famous address.   First Ladies traditionally show off their arrangements and release details regarding floral wonders, china selection, silverware settings and other details during the day.  The room (which is actually a tent on the South Lawn) tent is already arranged and the menu selected.  It is written by hand for each setting by the White House calligrapher's office.  Each course is designed, pre-tasted by the first lady and a small group of insiders and every seat has a handwritten name above each plate.  Mrs. Obama's press secretary Katie Lleyveld will be overwhelmed today as most microscopic minutiae will be fodder for the press and interested folks like me ... and you!

This is a state formal dinner using the Ronald Reagan dinner service. by Mrs. Bush.  Note the coloration of the American Beauty Roses and the plates.  These are decided once the gown is selected for the evening.  Photo courtesy the White House.

The custom is to not have spouses seated next to each other.  Mrs. Obama will be at a different table than her husband.  President Obama will toast his guest from the podium with the gilded eagle.  In the past year, President Obama got a sample of his first snafu at a fancy official White House dinner when the eagle podium collapsed as he was giving a toast.  The Chief Usher and the Head Butler were probably close to heart attacks as they plan down to the nano-second absolutely everything and always ensure there are back-ups for the back-ups. There is even spare pantyhose and other necessities for any guest who faces a wardrobe malfunction - within reason.  The floral designers have special pieces for the table settings and all thirty-five bathrooms, especially those on the state floor.

Mrs. Obama greets an esteemed guest at her first international state hosting assignment for the G-20 in Pennsylvania at Rosemont Farm before the world's first ladies sent down to a formal dinner on the patio.  The tablecloths and the china were a direct reflection of the dress Michelle Obama wore that evening.  Photo courtesy of the White House.

An assortment of contractors has been vetted and hired for this state occasion.  The kitchen is tense with anticipation, yet calm and orderly under the direction of veteran Executive Chef, Cristeta Comerford.  It's tight as a tick in the cramped quarters and everything is done in an efficiency experts dream of a manufacturing assembly line.  The dessert by Bill Yosses, the WH Pastry Chef and his assistant will feature a theme and down to the most exquisite drops will be completely edible. (The Pastry team from March 2009 at the White House prepare each plate in the State Dining Room.  Photo courtesy of the White House)

Here is the original post outlining protocol for the state dinner back in October.
More to come after I do my physical therapy...

11/24/09 UPDATE 1: From the Photo Spray held by FLOTUS displaying tonight's table settings on the South Lawn.  The beautiful grounds and rolling green lawn seem to be a key part of the inspiration.  It also is quite reminiscent of the Green Room with its silk moire in the White House where the Obama family had their official family portrait taken by Annie Libowitz.

Here what we can tell from this photo - Its the William Jefferson Clinton China with the gilded flatware from Barbara Bush.  The cushions on the chairs match the tablecloth and the linen napkins.  That means a stunning backdrop for what FLOTUS or Michelle Obama has chosen to wear.  (Photo courtesy CBS.)  The brand spanking new White House Chief floral designer, Laura Dowling (last week's East Wing hire is how new), will have an amazing centerpiece which we do not have photos of yet.

Update 2:  Michelle Obama held a luncheon for young women while featuring the protocol and precision involved in a state dinner.  The luncheon was held in the State Dining Room.  That Room was later used to showcase the table in a green reminiscent also of the Indian state colors of India and incredible green gems.  It is off set with plum colored stemware and vibrant floral decor. (Photo courtesy of AP)

Mrs. Gusharan Kuar at the arrival ceremony with a stunning jade and silvery moss colored sari as Mrs. Obama brings saffron or a buffed up mandarin orange with an India inspired embossed ensemble at the State Arrival ceremony.  The ceremony had to be moved indoors to the East Room so the military pomp and circumstance was absent with November weather teardrops on the White House Lawn. 

Update 3 - The piece that inspired the dinner - The Dress by Naeem Khan.

Guests run the gamut from Robin Roberts of ABC to Jeff Immelt of GE.  The tent seats 400 and the entertainment includes Kurt Elling and Jennifer Holiday.  In the above image they are in the Cross hall of the state floor where its customary to have your picture taken if the dinner was held inside the White House.  A guest chef helped with the vegetarian menu and the dessert pears were poached in the honey made by Mrs. Obamas bees. 

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Weekend Fall Gardens Tour at 1600

Just outside the Oval Office and the Cabinet
Room the Rose Garden in fall bloom.  Most only see the grass during
press conferences but the area is trimmed in trees , pruned hedges and
a variety of flowers and of course, Roses.  Photo courtesy The Los Angeles Times

In November 2008, President Bush and President-elect Obama walk past a gorgeous visage of fall roses and flora on the West Colonnade past the Rose Garden.

Pat Nixon started the idea of a garden tour for the White House.  These 18 acres are one of the glowing crown jewels of the National Park System.  For two days each fall and spring the White House opens its doors to the public to see and tour the botanical landscape in two vastly different seasons, yet with stunning blooms. Someday I will actually arrange to take this tour and stand outside and wait for my first come first serve ticket on the Ellipse. (Fall 2008 Rose Garden courtesy all natural annie)

Burnished autumn leaves and bountiful cornucopias herald the arrival of the fall season.  Michelle Obama's bees are slowing down. The first lady has her resident carpenter/beekeeper to thank for granting her the ability to bestow a unique White House gift of homegrown local honey upon the G20 wives for her debut as international hostess.  One can only goggle what her honey would go for on the open market on eBay.  Yet, the tranquility of fall is a beautiful time at the White House as the crisp air warns of the coming holiday season and the upcoming social season in the executive mansion.  Now is the last time for 2009 to take in the tour - weather permitting, of the White House in its seasonal splendor.  Perhaps, there may be other tours once the holiday decorations go up but that is for the inside of the manor.  October 17th and 18th are the days set aside to bask in the air outdoors to view the blooms in the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden, Children's Garden, the South Lawn and a better look than the spring of Michelle Obama's Kitchen Garden.

The pergola is just barely visible where a great place to sit and contemplate or host a tea party in the gardens on the East side of the White House with the perfectly shaped topiary trees.
Vivid blooms will be found in the East Garden, more formally known as the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden.  The Children's Garden with its climbing tree, little iron sitting spots and the cement preserved hand prints of presidential kin is charming.  It leads to the garden most discussed around the world, Michelle Obama's Kitchen Garden.  That garden is only eight months old and produced a bumper crop of greens and vegetables that made it to the family plates and in salads a number of guests consumed, including members of congress.  On the White House website, Michelle Obama and chef Sam Kass give an overview of the idea and their thoughts about eating locally. 

Tuesday was Latina Fiesta night for an Evening at the White House performance broadcast tonight on PBS.  As a chef with two successful restaurants in New Jersey his menu blended Latin foods from a variety of geographical zones and ethnic identity.  The rare oooh & ahh moment came for Chef Maricel Presilla as he was able to go to the Kitchen Garden and harvest greens, tomatillos for spicy pepper sauce and use some of the honey.  Part of the bumper crop from the White House gets donated to a local nonprofit to feed the hungry and the homeless.  Its popularity leads to Michelle Obama kicking off the 40th season of Sesame Street on November 10th talking about gardens and local food.  It is this garden that many in the public are anxious to get a closer look atm but it is strictly look, don't touch.  You would be eating Malia & Sasha's food for next week!

This is the Children's Garden during a spring Garden tour.  The little ones are fascinated by the handprints of many of the first children started by President & Ladybird Johnson and the fish pond.

Handprints in the Children's Garden flagstone of President & Barbara Bush's granddaughters done during his time in office and not while their parents were in the White House.  Photo courtesy the Bush White House (We do not know if Sasha & Malia did their handprints over the summer - maybe someone on the tour can report back and let us know!)
It would not be the White House, rich with presidents who were farmers first, to not tie in famous quotes on the land and its use.  Thomas Jefferson rotated crops and found good crop yields at Monticello.  He brought the idea of the formal English style gardens to the White House along with the colonnades as an eighteenth century garage for horses.The magnolia tree planted by Andrew Jackson, the trees dedicated by President and Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the South Lawn treehouse loving built by grandpa, otherwise known around the world as President Jimmy Carter.

This is the Thomas Jefferson quote placed in the Obama Kitchen Garden by the White House culinary staff.  Photo courtesy Obama Foodorama.
The garden tour is almost forty years old now.  It is a ticket that will take advantage of seeing the White House scenery at its best for fall. Here is the link to the Spring Garden tour, exactly 6 months ago, Gardens of the White House.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Michelle's First State Dinner for India

The George W. Bush China Service
India, a democratic superpower has over a billion citizens with its own arsenal of nuclear weapons and the shared disgrace with America of being one of the top three polluters on the planet will have the distinct honor of being the first nation to receive the full ceremonial honors from a state visit.  No doubt, difficult topics will be discussed by the heads of state.  Yet, it is Michelle Obama who is going to hold the spotlight as she chooses, flatware, table coverings, floral design, china patterns, glassware, the menu(s), entertainment and music, seating arrangements, invitations for teas, luncheons and the attendees for the historic first state dinner on November 24th while choosing a never before seen fully formal gown to be discussed for eternity.  Believe it or not, the gown actually helps settle the detailed choices of color used in the State Dining Room's or the East Room's table decor.  Either room may be used and the East Room would hold more elegant diners, but makes the after dinner entertainment space a new challenge.  If Michelle Obama is a last minute dress chooser - oh dear. (Photo of Obamas going up the Grand Staircase back to the residence after greeting Ambassadors to the US.)

Her staff has been on the case since May.  No rest for the weary as November looms large in the Obama White House cultural portfolio.  Michelle Obama received kudos for her first turn as an international hostess with the G20 heads of state and their spouses.  Her choice of a gift for the event was rare and a keepsake.  The huge state dinner is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving which makes it doubly rich for grand and gravy leftovers.  That Wednesday the president should pardon a turkey - lately the saved pre-poultry birds have dined on some incredible tranquilizers before meeting the president due to some of the wilder pardon photos.

This is what Michelle Obama gave as hostess to the G20 spouses.  It is an exclusive porcelain tea set mirroring the Lincoln china in the White House with US national flower (American Beauty Rose) at the bottom of the teacups made by a one hundred year old Illinois company.  The little vials of honey and the larger container is honey produced directly from Michelle Obamas world famous Kitchen Garden, Photo courtesy LA Times
Mrs. Obama must also make Blair House ready and work with the State Departments protocol experts on name pronunciation, food requirements, allergies and taboos, complete with full black tie etiquette.  A briefing book has already been compiled and the secret invite right now is for the under two dozen friends and staff that get to attend a tasting menu featuring choices for the meals.  Her residence staff is theming floral pieces for all of the bathrooms and a host of contract workers need to be ready to produce the pièce de résistance of an elaborate multi-course meal for at most 140 people.  It will be the hardest ticket to obtain in Washington DC since the inaugural.  All those people who have spent time sucking up to the first lady's friend and Social Secretary while writing puff pieces about her are about to find out if the investment was worth it.

In February 2009, the Obamas had a trial run at a high level black-tie event for the US governors.  Here they dance in the East Room to Earth Wind & Fire playing live.
The East Wing communication staff will arrange a day of photo spray for the press to see Mrs. Obama in front of a fully set table complete with hand crafted calligraphy table cards while explaining which China pattern she is choosing to use.  The menus for each setting will feature the salads, American vintage wines, entrées and desserts all in the same calligraphy style.  It is usually a keepsake from the White House along with the invitation requesting the honor of their presence.  That is definitely still a secret, but the Wilson China has made a debut.  Part of the decision is made on which full sets of China are available in the right colors for a state dinner - Ronald Reagan China in a bold red, the George W. Bush set - never yet used in a green with basketweave pattern, the Clinton China with the golden rims and 24-karat gold images of the White House dead center, with which full set of flatware is available.  The last first lady to purchase a full set of gilded formal flatware, late 19th century reproductions from Kirk Steiff of Baltimore, for elegant entertaining in the White House is Barbara Bush.  Her daughter-in-law also purchased large sterling silver serving pieces.

The stunning table arrangement here is the 2007 white tie setting for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.  White tie is usually reserved as a royal honor.  This was an excellent use of the William Jefferson Clinton china service by Laura Bush.  This table is set to handle five courses rather than the usual four for a state dinner.

Formal arrival ceremony

The newly re-elected fourteenth Prime Minister of the Republic of India, Manmohan Singh and his lovely wife, Gursharan Kaur will receive the full ceremonial honors of arriving at the South Lawn.  After a troop review and opening remarks, the couples will go through the Diplomatic Reception Room and usually share some time together before the spouses go one direction and the heads of state another.  After a luncheon, the next arrival will be on the North side of the White House in view of the world's press as they are formally greeted by the president and first lady in formal attire on the red carpet.  They will go upstairs and have a moment to share in the Yellow Oval Room in the private residence.  Just before dinner, Ruffles and Flourishes will announce the president and first lady as they descend the Grand Staircase with their honored guests to stand and welcome each invited guest in the Entrance hall as the President's Own plays and photographers film. There are vast differences in height so the images will need some thinking through by the professionals.  (Gursharan Kaur with Michelle Obama from April in London during the Obamas first meeting of the G20.)

Prime Minister Singh, President Barack Obama, Mrs. Gusharan Kaur and Mrs. Michelle Obama at the arrival for the working and spouse dinner.

Michelle gives welcoming remarks at the dinner party held on a patio at Rosemont Farms for the G20 spouses.  Photo courtesy the White House

Can't wait for November 24th.  All of the public ceremony is usually covered in full by the wonderful station I love, C-SPAN.

UPDATE:  The latest Obama State Dinner post is here... State Dinner Tuesday with the Obamas

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Children, Presidents & White House Living

Small handprints randomly placed low on window panes and glass patio doors adorn many homes with children.  The White House has a skilled housekeeping staff that can spot a spider web, eliminate dust mites with top of the line oils or stamp out a lost ant colony at 10 paces.  Bringing children into the mix just puts them on a higher level of alert and ups their game.  For this years Christmas season, it will be a contest to see who drops the most crumbs, the children, Bo or the ostensible adults.  Television pioneer Art Linkletter made a living a while back at watching the things children do and say.  Two children live in the White House now with usually nary a peep.  However, each and every one of them have their moments.    Sasha plays hide and seek in the Oval to try and scare her dad.  Her feet are just a few feet away from the phone that can contact anyone securely on the planet.

The Bush twins, Barbara & Jenna, put their young hands in cement for the White House's Children's Garden during their grandfather's term in office.  While their dad President George W. Bush was in office, they went off to enjoy the college life at full throttle.  Caroline Kennedy rode her pony across the South Lawn while she and her baby brother splashed in the famous fountain.  Yet, there are always the unscripted moments.  Caroline Kennedy was about five when she gave an impromptu interview.  A reporter asked what was her father doing.  Caroline replied, nothing.  He was upstairs with his socks and shoes off.  Caroline was treated to endless entreaties to be America's new Shirley Temple.  Chelsea did not feel well at her new school and the nurse needed permission to dispense an aspirin and was about to call her mom.  Chelsea interrupted and said no, she was too busy, please call my dad.  Dad wins a Nobel Peace Prize and the Obama daughters liken it to the big events in their lives - Bo Obama's birthday and a three day weekend. And so it goes, those little moments that end up in the history books. (Caroline & John Kennedy, Jr and the president right outside the Oval Office with her pet horse, macaroni.  This is just steps away from where Sasha & Malia's swingset is today.  Photo courtesy Clinton Presidential Library)

The Clintons on the South Lawn and in the 2nd image in China with the famed Terracotta Soldiers.  Chelsea traveled along as many presidential children do on major trips.
Not everyone's dad has a helicopter with your favorite candy right at your seat or a hulking plane that stars in its own major motion picture and gets fighter jet escorts.  A ride to school for most kids is to get out of the minivan or SUV as soon as it seems like it stops so no one sees you with your parents.  Instead the newest kids of a president get an armored up SUV with fully armed guards to ride with you to school each and every day and knows whether you are finishing a piece of homework hastily in the car or got in a mite of trouble.  When riding on official business with dad there are flags on each side of the hood of The Beast and a presidential seal is everywhere and imprinted indelibly on everything.  For all the requirements, the unscripted moments still occur. (The Bush Twins, Barbara on the left and Jenna on the right. They traveled more in the last year of their father's presidency.)

Going to Martha's Vineyard for vacation it looks like Bo is saying are we there yet as an aide carries a a baby car seat required even for presidential niece Savita (Dr. Konrad Ng's & Dr. Maya Soetero-Ng's youngest daughter) for the car ride to their destination.  That's just not a recent run of the mill WH exercise toting baby gear.  Below is Savita learning to walk in the Oval Office.)

Travel is always a great time for presidential kids to meet he sons and daughters of other heads of state and make life long friends.  Many of their father's counterparts have children younger than the Obama children.  The rarity of children calling 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home in the last fifty years increases the interest because many people see a your family just like theirs, but with circumstances no one will ever know unless they actually live in the Executive Mansion.  With kids involved, the unexpected always happens.  When Bo officially came home, the Obama girls were the initiators of meeting the press.  It was a very young Sasha that high-fived Vice president Cheney when her father was sworn in as a senator in 2005.  President Obama and the first lady went with their children's wishes on that occasion.  Pretty sure there are more to come.  Here are a few impromptu moments courtesy of Malia & Sasha.

Yes, presidential limousines require seatbelts for the children.  This is leaving the Vatican and guess who has kicked off their shoes as big sister just smiles...  See above.  It looks like Michelle Obama bursts into laughter when she sees Sasha after the megaton door to the presidential limo is opened providing photogs with an irresistible moment.

First Lady Michelle Obama helps Malia remove sand from her hair as they wait for the incredible edibles.  Note the awesome adventurous blue nail polish Malia is sporting. This from the Obama August vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

Stay tuned! Christmas is coming to the Obama White House and in the not too distant future should be announcing the East Wing theme for 2009.  With all of the children in the place it ought to be a spectacular pictorial Holiday Season.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Modern Art Work & The Obamas

Every modern first lady shows interest in the arts with some being avid fans of a particular form or style.  Jackie Kennedy loved the ballet with an exquisite eye for centuries old antiques while beautiful photographs adorned her private space.  Lady Bird Johnson loved wildflowers, especially those indigenous to Texas, while kick-starting forerunners to environmental projects focusing along highways.   Michelle Obama has eclectic taste and is being ecumenical in her choices for the residence.  When a new first family moves in and during their tenure, the nation's museums are open for them to select what they want to display on the their private residence walls in addition to what is available from the White House Art Collection replete with 18th & 19th century artists.  Laura Bush was quite fond of the impressionist Claude Monet's tranquil water scene gifted to the White House by the family of JFK.  She chose to have it in the West Sitting Hall right across from the door to the Master Bedroom where she could look at it while reading or chatting on the phone.  Hillary worked hard to innovate with a sculpture garden with annual exhibits during her stay as first lady.  (Monet in White House private collection courtesy George W. Bush archives)

Alma Thomas (1891 -1971) an abstract artist who was the first African American to earn a 1971 solo exhibit at the prestigious Whitney museum Art of (Hard Edge), Watusi (completed in 1963) is one of the paintings the Obamas placed in the residence. The other abstract from this artist is named Skylight.

President Obama, Malia & Michelle watch the video montage on the modern artists while in Paris at the  museum known as the Pompidou in June 2009.  Photo courtesy of the White House.

The President & Mrs. Obama made some modern choices for their walls.  Modern art is a theme shown over the past few months with a trip to the Pompidou Centre or the Centre Georges Pompidou during time in Paris.  The Kandinsky Exhibit was quite fun Mom & Dad, but for Sasha & Malia they got to try their hand at making art based on the Alexander Calder (1898 - 1976) exhibit.  It is part of the experience for all children visiting that section of the museum. Wonder what Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (1866 - 1944) would think.

Richard Diebenkorn (1922 -1993) painted Berkeley No.52 circa 1955.  The colorful abstract has a place of honor at the Obamas. 
Art is a theme throughout the young tenure of the Obama presidency.  Thursday starts the First Couples foray as hosts entertaining heads of state.  A philanthropist married to a United States senator will entertain the Obamas and their guest at her Rosemont Farm.  Teresa Heinz Kerry just missed being a first lady, but 2004 is where Barack Obama came into prominence with the American public.  The Farm will supply the vegetables and meets in a true locavore element that pleases Michelle Obama, though she will not be photographed (today) picking the greens and vegetables herself.  Gardens are a form of art to her. While the spouses negotiate, the first lady will host a tour for the  G-20 spouses (mostly wives) at the Andy Warhol Museum complete with a spectacular luncheon in Pittsburgh.  Prior, the tour will hear more art performed by students, Yo-Yo Ma (performed at the inaugural), Trisha Yearwood and Sarah Bareilles.  An interesting choice of Warhol (Andrew Warhola 1928 - 1987) given the need to treat the international honored guests to sophisticated Americana known as pop art and Warhol was born in Pittsburgh.  President Jimmy Carter feted Warhol in the White house in the 1970s where Warhol presented an art piece that was a rendering of the president.  Warhol has many pieces that explore erotica as well.  Its fraught with interest because the tour will have a climatic ending as one of Warhol's time capsules is due to be opened.  Ought to be quite the topic over lunch - even with all the translators.

Ed Ruscha (born 1937) titled this hip 1983 piece I Think I'll...  This pop art piece particularly underscores the modern element to the Obama's tastes.  Since 1964, Ruscha paints words into many of his paintings.  Sometimes they are satirical and often with touches of humor.
Upon their return to the White House, the splendor of the choices of the  Obamas own artwork will reign supreme.  Michelle will enjoy the serenity of the art for a few days before taking off to Copenhagen next week to champion Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics.  Not one, but two paintings depicting Homage to the Square from Josef Albers (1888 - 1976) adorn the walls at the White House on loan from the Hirshorn Collection.  Albers was also a poet. The painting pictured left is Homage to the Square:  Midday and completed sometime between 1954 - 1957. The painting for the Homage series started in 1949.  Like abstract artist Alma Thomas shown above, Josef Albers was also a teacher.  Upon retirements, they both dedicated the remainder of their lives to their art works. (Photo courtesy The Independent)

A definite nod was given to winner of a 2005 Alphonse Fletcher Foundation Fellowship Glenn Ligon (1960 -) who painted Black Like Me #2  (1992) who is just a year younger than the president.  Again, continuity reaches through the Obama art pieces as Ligon like Albers uses words and paints in acrylic on canvas.  Ligon who is openly gay and an African American from New York has juxtaposed family albums with old school gay porn in one piece.  It is part of the art that many artists of vintage and antiquity along with their modern counterparts push the edges during their times. 

Glenn Ligon's piece on loan to the First Family.
It's fascinating to review a couple of the choices the Obamas have to look at during their home life.  For traditionalists, there is the Edgar Degas bronze figure of Dancer Putting on Her Stocking, a Cézanne (1839 - 1906), yet they mesh with Jaspers Johns lead relief of Numerals, 0-9. Michelle has a wide range of tastes and its reflected in the art selection and her personal style that is not totally dependent on the old masters.  Another voice in the selection of modern and abstract art pieces is the Obama interior designer, Michael Smith of Santa Monica who also worked with the White House curator William Allman.

Another young talented but terribly depressed artist met an untimely death by suicide.  In fifteen years Nicolas de Staël (1914 -1955) produced over a thousand paintings including many abstract landscapes. This painting is entitled Nice completed in 1954.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Royal Meet & Greets with the First Family

Her Majesty Queen Rania meets with First Lady Michelle Obama in the Yellow Oval Room on the second floor and private residence.  Queen Rania is an active mom that also attends  her children's soccer matches as do the Obamas.  Photo courtesy of White House.
Royal status arrives upon birth or a wedding fit for a king, queen, prince or princess.  A first lady must travel the interstate and freeways of the nation and meet thousands upon thousands of happy, upset, aggrieved or excited people in the tiniest hamlets and the biggest cities before getting the keys for a four year stay to the world's most famous executive residence.  The White House at 55,000 square feet with 35 bathrooms is rather small in comparison to Tokyo's Imperial Palace, Buckingham Palace or the Palace of Versailles.  Modern royals interact more with people and promote causes and charities on the international stage. 

Traditionally, the formal place to meet privately with royal guests is in the Yellow Oval Room.  It is also where select guests meet before two heads of state descend the Grand Staircase for a formal state dinner of which the Obamas are yet to host.  Barbara Bush gifts Princess Diana with a book dictated to her by her dog, Millie.  Photo courtesy the George H. W. Bush Library.
Friendships that last a lifetime spring up among American first family's with many royals as they are very familiar with the shared isolation known as the impenetrable Bubble and the protocols for heads of state.  One of my favorite stories from last year was candidate Obama went to the Middle East, including Jordan and to the Aqaba palace.  As a candidate he did not have formal privileges to get a ride from the State Department.  King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein drove him to the airport in his own personal car.  They broke the speed limit and both president and the King are Trekkies.  As seen in the top image now their powerful spouses are getting a chance to know each other as well.  From Former First Lady Nancy Reagan came to the White House for Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall's visit for the formal dinner.  Nancy Reagan and the president both attended Lady Diana's 1981 royal wedding deluxe to Prince Charles.  She hosted the very famous dinner for their visit that had a svelte Princess Diana twirling across the floor with John Travolta in the Grand Foyer which works marvelously well as a dance area.

Prince Charles & The Duchess during their visit with President George W. Bush and the First Lady.

The Place setting from the formal White House dinner hosted by the Bushes
Malia's will get a teen-scale briefing on the formalities for her first formal state dinner akin to the scene from the movie Pretty Woman where all the knives, forks, goblets get a full explanation.  White tie dinners at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue are rare and usually reserved for Kings & Queens.  Black tie is for everyone else of extraordinary rank including the Prince of Wales and Camilla on their first visit after their nuptials.  The last was in 2007, when President & Laura Bush entertained Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II & her husband Prince Phillip on a full state visit.  Michelle Obama & the Queen Elizabeth are quite chummy with phone calls and two visits to Buckingham Palace by the First Lady.  Malia & Sasha got a personal tour and met Her Majesty afterwards for a spot of tea and what had to be some delightful scones.  A former Princess and mother of two princesses, Sarah Ferguson quietly went to the White House to lobby Michelle to participate in a charity project.  The Duchess of Cornwall and her husband Prince Charles met the Obamas during the G20 summit at a social even hosted by the Queen.  He focused on the Kitchen Garden.  Not too many are aware that the Queen has started a little patch with her own veggies on the palace grounds.

President Clinton, Queen Noor, Hillary Clinton and his Majesty King Hussein of Jordan have an American style Lunch complete with french fries.  It was one of the last happy visits to the USA before King Hussein succumbed to his illness.
Kings have friends among American presidents.  The American-born Queen Noor visited the White House often with her husband King Hussein.  In 1998, Hillary Clinton held lunch for the King & Queen of Jordan on the Truman Balcony.  The balcony is accessed from the Yellow Oval Room where a more casual setting can take place. First Ladies plan each detail when meeting with royals.  The amount of protocol can be overwhelming as Michelle found as she exchanged a fond pat with Queen Elizabeth. 

At the reception in Buckingham Palace, the bonding Moment seen round the world.

President & Mrs. Obama meet for the first time in Her Majesty's formal living room at the Palace.

The waves of royals have a generational component that works well with the Obamas.  Felipe, HRH The Prince of Asturias has a very young family with former television anchor as his Princess, Letizia. His suave parents the King & Queen Sophia of Spain are still on the throne.  From Japan, the new Prime Minister's wife has made no secret of her desire to meet Michelle Obama.  The Emperor & Empress of the Chrysanthemum Throne will be a highly structured first meeting for the Obamas.  The Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan & his American educated former diplomat & lovely wife Crown Princess Masako have yet to meet the Obamas and they have a young daughter near Sasha's age.

In the Yellow Oval Room (seen from another angle) the Obamas host the Dutch Crown Prince, Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange & Crown PrincessMáxima of the Netherlands in September 2009. Their oldest child is five.

Note:  My hand is now better and I have better motor control to type.  My shoulder well we'll keep hoping....Stay tuned for the next post.